June Events

We have three events this month with a stall at the Queensland Day on Saturday 10th June, Stories at the Library on Sunday 11th June, and a working bee on Wednesday 14th June.

We’d love to see you at one of these events.

SATURDAY: Queensland Day Celebration Stall

Come and say Hello at the ACF Brisbane Northside and Banyo Verge Garden Project stall at the Banyo District Community Group’s Queensland Day celebration.

Banyo Queensland Day banner

We’ll have information and photos and be able to answer your questions about planting verge gardens and what you can and can’t do under the BCC guidelines.

There’ll also be community and food stalls, music performances and a jumping castle.

WHEN: Saturday 10th June from 11:30 to 16:00
WHERE: Nudgee Showground Park, Hayden Street, Nudgee

SUNDAY: Telling your story

Participants in our verge garden projects have already noticed that it creates a place that fosters conversations.
People stop and talk, they ask questions about the garden, the plants, and why you are doing it.
We can extend that by telling our stories online, like this, and this, and this to give examples and inspire others.

group on verge
We’ll have a panel of with some of these verge gardeners talking about their experience – what went right, what went wrong, what they’d do differently next time.

In this workshop, we’ll also talk about how to write and post our stories, and how this can initiate positive conversations about our concerns for the future and why we do what we do.

Some of our verge gardeners will talk about their experiences and answer questions about the joys and the challenges of gardening in this space.

Meeting Format:

  • Discussion: Telling your story
  • Afternoon tea
  • Brief updates on the project
  • General discussion: What’s next after verge gardens

Afternoon tea and coffee will be provided.

WHEN: Sunday 11th June, 2023 from 3pm to 5pm
WHERE: Banyo Library Meeting Room 1, 284 Saint Vincents Rd, Banyo, QLD 4014

Please RSVP here

Banyo Verge Working Bee: Casual Coffee and Chat

Wednesday 14th June – 10am to noon

Banyo Working Bee photo
You are welcome to drop by and chat to find out what this project is all about.
Morning tea provided.

Please RSVP here for the working bee for the address and contact phone no.

(We’re planning a working bee on a weekend in late June or early July – day and time to be confirmed.)

More than a planting project

Thank you to community members and local community groups for their support of our project. As the project is taking shape, we are all seeing that it is as much about growing community as growing plants.

We look forward to seeing you at our events. Please contact us here or through the socials if you’d like to be involved in any way.